8 Amazing National Parks for Families

Looking for an affordable, fun, and family-friendly vacation? Visit a national park! We’ve rounded up a list of national parks with kid-friendly hiking, fun activities, and enough adventure for the entire family. Here’s our pick for some of the best national parks for families. Acadia National Park Maine’s Acadia National Park offers several easy hikes … Continue reading 8 Amazing National Parks for Families

The 6 Best National Parks For Winter Fun

It's no secret that America's national parks are the premier outdoor destinations in the US during the summer, but that in-the-know will tell you (or maybe not if they want it to remain a secret) that these amazing places take on a completely new look during the winter. Spectacular prairies becoming cross-country skiing paradises, pristine … Continue reading The 6 Best National Parks For Winter Fun

On and Off the Trail in Acadia: Brook Trout Fishing in Acadia National Park

A good friend of mine – and an incredible fly angler – once told me a story he called the evolution of the fly fisherman: When someone first learns to fish using a fly rod (and the same probably holds true of a spinning rod as well) they’re hell bent on catching a fish, no … Continue reading On and Off the Trail in Acadia: Brook Trout Fishing in Acadia National Park

Why April And May Are The Best Months To Visit Acadia National Park

I am very blessed to live in Maine where the mountains and oceans converge. Hiking, camping, canoeing, swimming, biking – you name it and you can probably find me doing it in the summer. It’s all this that makes living in Maine so special! Most weekends in the spring, summer and fall I grab my … Continue reading Why April And May Are The Best Months To Visit Acadia National Park

This is my new “secret” overlook in Acadia National Park. However it’s technically not in the park but rather land owned by Maine Coast Heritage Trust. There is a new trail being made so I needed to collect GPS data for the Chimani Acadia app update. Can anyone guess where it is?